Laravel website for the Ornet window distributor company

Ornet is a promo website for a distributor of window systems that contacted us to design a new website.

Check this project
window company website

After studying the market and competitors, we saw that the niche is over saturated with strong players. At the same time, all the competitors' websites looked quite outdated.

We decided to focus on:

  • User-friendly website;
  • modern and beautiful design;
  • thoughtful and expert content;
  • integration with social networks;
  • necessary tools for fast and effective SEO website promotion.
stages of buying windows

We decided to make a website without static pages to allow the customer to test different advertising hypotheses. All website pages are assembled from blocks which have been previously thought out and approved by the customer.

Thus, the customer received a convenient modern website-designer, which is currently helping him to win the market from the major players in the niche.

modern interface


  • PHP Framework Laravel 8.
  • Laravel admin panel Voyager (
  • Bootstrap.
  • MySQL.
selection of technologies
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