Increase the traffic website by 7 times thanks to technical SEO

medical clinic website

The starting point – the site of a medical clinic ( about 3 years old, no search optimization has been done.

The purpose of the first stage was to find and fix technical errors on the site that prevented indexing and worsened ranking.


  • conducting a comprehensive audit of the technical optimization of the site;
  • elimination of problems in conjunction with the developer.

Our cooperation with the Weekend Clinic (Kiev) in the field of search promotion began with a detailed technical optimization audit.

For an in-depth study of the web project condition, we check it for more than 85 factors that somehow can affect the indexing and ranking of pages in search.

SEO audit of a medical clinic website

We analyzed the project and found a number of problems that prevented normal indexing of important pages and their top ranking. Some URLs with a search capacity were not in the Google index at all.

Among the problems were:

  • the non-glued site mirrors with www and without www;
  • extra rules in robots.txt that create conflicts with the “canonical”, “index” attributes, as well as incorrect ways to limit page indexing;
  • incorrectly implemented pagination;
  • problems with the sitemap in XML;
  • many technical pages duplicate generated by CMS;
  • same page internal links;
  • errors in the implementation of multilingual support.

All these troubles generated a lot of content indexing errors. Google Search Console shows such a picture:

website metrics in the Google Search Console

We proposed revisions aimed at eliminating errors and improving the situation.

Technical advancement

Usually, we have to wait for a long time to notice the effect of optimizations. That is why it is important to implement SEO recommendations as soon as possible.

The audit report after the client’s approval was handed over to the RedChameleon’s developers for immediate solving problems.

And our tactics showed a quite quick result. A week after programmers started to work, we saw a significant increase in traffic:

growth of indicators in the Google Search Console

Both impressions and clicks in Google Search Console more than doubled.

The first changes, which Google responded well to, were related to merging mirrors with and without www. Page-by-page traffic analysis showed that addresses with www were actively excluded from the search.

page statistics

At the same time, URLs without www began to receive significantly more impressions and clicks in Google search results.

This is clear evidence that even one seemingly insignificant mistake can greatly slow down the promotion of a web project and prevent attracting customers.

The result of the medical clinic promotion

The overall result of making all the changes to the site by programmers and content managers was an increase in traffic to almost 7000 (6982 at the peak) transitions to the site per day from Google search:

result of promoting the medical website

Since the beginning of audit implementation, traffic has increased by almost 7 times.

This case is a vivid example of the fact that you should not neglect the technical part of the optimization. A properly configured server, no duplicates, correctly organised indexing management can make a website friendly to the search engine.

We suggest checking your site and fixing the found problems!

Customer Review

We have been working with Red Chameleon agency for a long time in the area of web development. In addition to this, we decided to order a full technical SEO audit.

We were really pleased with the result of the work, as well as the approach to work. The company didn’t only conduct a comprehensive analysis indicating the problems and the methods of their solving, but completely eliminated them.

We are completely satisfied with the work done and continue our cooperation in three areas: development, support and promotion.

Oleksiy Panchenko, the founder of the Weekend Clinic.

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