Blest online furniture store is a large-scale project to develop an online furniture store on 1C-Bitrix from scratch.

We developed 15 detailed specifications for layout and 14 for programming to implement it. The specific tasks for developers are scheduled in each of them, for each page, block and function.

first screen of an online furniture store

Page layout and integration

furniture store product card

The design of the online store was developed specifically for The client provided a set of models for the layout of the template.

Our front-end developer created HTML templates using the Pixel Perfect technique.

filters for online furniture store

Comfort of management and settings of the online store

Some data of the public part of the site was placed in a specially designed site settings module, in which the site administrator quickly and easily changed the necessary data in certain places.

Administrative pages were developed:

  • for quick actions to change a number of options for elements of a commodity infoblock;
  • to import positions from a file of a specific format.

payment module for online furniture store


Multilingualism was introduced at the stage of site development.

The function is organized without duplication of infoblocks and properties.

This approach has two significant advantages:

  • does not allow the database of a web resource to expand;
  • eliminates the complexity of the content and control of infoblocks by the site administrator.

Location selection

A geolocation handler has been created for the project to determine the user's location, which affects the display of content on the site.

Geolocation is associated with the regular CMS location functionality, which gives you the “out of the box” opportunity to flexibly configure delivery services, payments, and display order properties for certain regions and beyond.

In addition to this, the site has a manual city selection functionality. Its automatic detection or manual indication is important for displaying goods, promotions, options and delivery services, depending on their availability in the locality.

You can click on one of the suggested ones or start typing a name and select the one you need from the drop-down list.

contacts of online furniture store

Site speed up

We paid attention to optimizing the loading speed of the website during the work on the project:

  • provided the images to be outputted in a web-friendly WEBP format if the visitor's browser supports the image format;
  • optimized the HTML structure: removed unused and rarely used forms and blocks that clog the page code, they are called only at the right time and in the right place for the visitor;
  • implemented lazy loading of external JS scripts;
  • configured regular caching of components, as well as caching of components with installed filters to reduce the load on the server and database.

SEO and other works on the online store

According to the technical specification from the optimizers, we performed a set of works on technical SEO optimization, displaying the necessary information in the page code and generating data for the tasks set.

In addition to this, a number of content pages with useful information for the visitor, pages of Blest product lines, discount products were created as a part of this project.

The authorization/registration of users with the help of the social network Facebook and a Google account was implemented in the website.

The developers made a partial import of commodity items from the client's old site. Product images were parsed from a previous project to make things easier for content managers. We also collected the structure of the old site for setting redirects to new URLs.

We met the very short deadlines set by the client for the development of a large-scale online store with a unique design. And on October 7, 2020, we launched a working website.

It took almost 6 months to develop an online store. All provided functionality works as it was intended.

We continue to cooperate with the client further, improve the project and expand its capabilities.

Feedback from R. Stepanovskyi

Director of Marketing and Sales Department

We are grateful to the Red Chameleon web agency team for the professional approach and high-quality implementation of the project.

The agency faced a rather difficult task - to launch a new online store with a unique design. And it was important to do it in the shortest possible time.

As a result of cooperation with the web studio, we got the similar site as it was presented when ordering the development. The programmers made page templates for different devices according to the designer's layouts and provided the project with all the necessary functions.

We want to personally mention the interaction with the manager. Thanks to her deep immersion in the project, we got not only a reliable representative of our interests in the web studio team, but also an experienced assistant.

We continue to cooperate with the Red Chameleon and are glad that we have found a truly reliable business partner.

client's gratitude
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