MillClock exclusive watches online store support

Online store of an Ukrainian company that creates original clocks in a futuristic and steampunk style. The site is designed for the Western market in English and German.

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online store of exclusive watches

Providing the project support, our developers work in several areas:

  • functionality refinement and bug fixes;
  • internal SEO optimization
  • editing and adaptation of the template.
selection of popular products

According to the technical specification from SEO specialists, we introduced changes to robots.txt, eliminated duplicates, organized correct pagination, and ensured the indexing of the necessary pages (sitemap, canonical pages, nofollow).

In order to ensure the website work on mobile devices, we tested the display of the site and its functionality, made UI / UX changes, and selected a module for implementing AMP pages.

technology selection

The malicious code and viruses were detected on the site during the work on the project. The developers found out that the files of the Ukrposhta delivery module were considered suspicious by the antivirus. We have replaced it with a standard delivery module.

In addition to this, for correct display of the menu and other elements in both languages we edited the content.

We continue working on the Millclock project, improving its functionality and promptly solving emerging problems.

mobile interface of an online store
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